As part of the SMBA Sales Marketing & Business Administration and SEB Services Excellence for Business Programs at ILAC International College.

Currently teaching the following courses to international students:

Professional Communication
Careers, Resumes and Interviewing - Professional Communication in Today's Digital Social and Mobile World - Mastering Team Skills and Interpersonal Communication

Customer Service Skills
Customer Service solutions - Proven tools to outstanding Customer Service - Emotional Intelligence in customer service - Human Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour
Motivation - Leader behaviour and power - People Skills - Interpersonal communication - Group structure and processes - Attitude development and perception - Change processes - Conflict and negotiation - Work design

Integrated Brand Promotion
Marketing and Communication plan - Personal Branding - Media Planning  - Sales - Social Media

Social Media and Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Foundations - SEO - Analytics - Email Marketing - Paid Search Marketing - Social Media - Digital Strategy


Achieving more than 97% of students satisfaction. Here are some students feedback:


"The way she explains every topic is very clear"


"Fiorella has excellent communication with students and is incredibly understanding. She knows very well what it's like to be a student in a foreign country and that makes her totally connected with us, so her experiences become our references.”

"She is an upbeat person, who brings different things to class and helps us to develop our knowledge about the content"

"Her activities in class are very dynamic"

"Fiorella is a great educator, she is a great person, and her work is really impeccable, she has a ten in all the areas that she performs, she really did wonderfully, if I could choose my teachers, I would choose her without a doubt"


"Fiorella's class are so interactive and so much great content. Glad to have her as my instructor"


"She gave me examples to make any concept easy and understandable,  she is a friendly nature and helped me to improve my listening skills"


"I love teacher Fiorella! She is amazing! The best teacher ever!!! She is so funny, she really engages with the class, her teaching skills are amazing"


"I’m absolutely satisfied with the course and the teacher. She helped me to improve my knowledge about communication skills"


Teacher is awesome! thank you :)


"Funny classes, incredible teacher"


" I would like to have my next term with her"


"Fiorella always tries to make a class with a lot of engagement and dynamic tasks. In my opinion, she is very interested in hearing feedback from students to put together a class that is interesting for everyone. She also has a lot of experience with the subject"


"She is very good at making us feel comfortable and mingle to get to know the cultures of our peers and improve our English and learn to listen to others"


"She is oriented to help and create a friendly environment for everyone"


"Excellent interaction with students"


"She’s really good at explaining everything"


"She created a safe and interactive space"


"She is really good at building connections us, creating a safe environment to share our ideas" 


"She is an understanding person. I am so lucky to meet her


"She was good at creating an atmosphere that brought the class together. She uploaded the PPT in advance, which was nice because it was clear what we would be learning in class that day. It also helped me in reviewing the materials"



Fiorella Navarro -  Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

 I acknowledge the Coast Salish Peoples of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tseil-Waututh Nations on whose ancestral Lands. I am grateful to live, and the Syilx (Okanagan) Peoples on whose unceded territory. I am grateful to work.






Personal Branding Strategist & Creator of Spring Ideas

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Creative Director 

With more than 10 years worldwide advertising experience.



Programmer & Drone Certified Pilot

Web Designer, Aerial Video and Photo Professional Maker.


Social Media Manager & Entrepreneur

Marketing and General Management graduated in Florida. Passionate about e-commerce. 



Film Director & Photography

Documentary, Commercials, Fashion and Tabletop





Fashion and Advertisements




Language & Communication Expert

Translator and Interpreter graduated in Cambridge University

Sample image description


Crecí en una casa de solo mujeres, la unica figura masculina en mi familia de pequeña fue mi abuelo.  Murió cuando yo tenia 7/8 anos. Crecí con un papa ausente y mis modelos a seguir siempre fueron MUJERES. En particular tres mujeres marcaron mi vida. La primera, mi MADRE que trabajo muy duro para darme una educación elevada. Un motor incansable. En segundo lugar esta mi ABUELA, esta mujer a pesar de no haber frecuentado la Universidad fue una mujer muy elegante y educada. Y en tercer pero no ultimo lugar, mi NANA, una mujer luchadora que sufrió mucho en su vida personal. Pero fue fuerte y leal. Ella me cuido desde que yo fui muy pequeña y siguió a mio lado a pesar de que las circunstancias en mi familia cambiaron.

Estas mujeres me enseñaron la determinación, me guiaron y me educaron, me enseñaron el significado de lealtad, de amar sin condiciones y de luchar por tus ideales.

Desde mi adolescencia he tenido la oportunidad de viajar y conocer diferentes culturas, en mi vida he tenido siempre que estar pronta al cambio. He vivido en Espana, en Nueva York, en Peru y ahora en Italia. Me he mudado muchas veces. Es por eso que creo, que era muy importante para mí, encontrar MI LUGAR.

Mi padre fue siempre un espíritu libre, un sentido de libertad que no comparto. Es por eso que para mí en la vida la lealtad y la verdad van siempre en primera fila. En todos los aspectos de mi vida, y también en lo profesional, yo dire siempre mi verdad. Mi perspectiva. Pueda que no guste o te haga mal. Pero te aseguro que al final, te darás cuenta, que de esta manera te he solo ayudado ha crecer y mejorar.

Creo realmente que las mujeres somos la fuerza que mueve el mundo. Mas alla de la igualdad de los sexos, del girl power, de mujeres empoderadas. Para mí las mujeres son mi modelo, me inspiran, me animan, me ayudan a crecer y ser mejor persona.  Cada quien en lo suyo, cada quien en su etapa, en su momento.  Dicen que en la vida nada es a caso y que cuando conoces a alguien es porque lo necesitabas. Pues creo fielmente que sea así. 

Regresando a mi abuela y para terminar. Ella fue mi ejemplo de elegancia, de saber estar, sabia comunicar y que decir en toda ocasión. Yo quería verme como ella. Una mujer atractiva, educada, acogedora. Con los años descubrí mi estilo, elegí mi propia elegancia. Y cuando comencé a estudiar Ciencias de la Comunicación y me especialicé en Publicidad y Branding para empresas, me enamoré. Descubri que todo parte de alli. Descubrirse, mirarse dentro y  brillar con luz propia. Haciendo un negocio atractivo, con personalidad, capaz de sorprender e inspirar.



  •  I have more than 16 years experience in the Marketing and Customer Service sector
  •  I have worked for Companies and Entrepreneurs
  •  Worldwide Background. Knowledge of different Markets (Spanish, Italian, North American and South American)
  •  I have a Bachelor Degree in Communication Sciences
  •  I have a Master Degree in Marketing and Communication
  •  I have a highly prepared and professional TEAMWORK - COMMUNITY



  • Honest and profitable Investment
  • Reliable TEAMWORK
  • Caring Consultations tailored to your specific needs
  • Globalized Brand Development
  • Effective Marketing Strategies
  • Market Growth 


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Don't have time to manage your social media? With Spring SOCIAL BOX we will help you to stay connect and engage with your target audience.
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Hey there! This is Fiorella. Personal Branding Strategist and Creator of Spring Ideas. 

Sample image

Currently living in Vancouver, Canada. The Glass City.

From a very young age, I had the opportunity to travel and  to explore different cultures. I have lived in Navarre, Spain for more than a decade, where I formed a large part of my professional experience.

Thanks to my family connections, I have been fortunate enough to spend many years living in New York. This bustling, vibrant city is a fabulous marketing reality that has inspired many of my work projects. I love it's diversity; seeing people from all cultures and background singing their own songs in this life.

My professional sense (intuition) was amplified and I was able to meet people, customers and companies that have only enriched my visual marketing spirit.

I am a passionate person. I love travelling, dancing. I love fashion and people.

Working for many years in different markets has made it very easy for me to recognise what makes each individual different and unique, and believe me, it works like that for businesses too! Recognising  your value and putting it out there in the right way, will only make the right opportunities come to you, and of course, your business.

I'm all for sharing knowledge and experience, this is why building a marketing community and having a trusted marketing network was so important to me.

I think in business it's very important to be able to collaborate and not to be afraid of  the “NEW” or competition. Once you can make marketing to feel human there is nothing to be worry about. 

Let me show you how... 




SPRING IDEAS, was born in the pandemic. In the midst of a crisis and looking for a better future. I decided to build a red of professionals that in my marketing career I had admired and trusted.

We create a global marketing communications network of passionate professionals.

SPRIND IDEAS is an open space, where we are allowed to dream, analyse, investigate and CREATE the right and suitable marketing strategies for your business.

And what can we do for you?


and what is PERSONAL BRANDING about? 

It's a marketing strategy but JUST wait a sec ... first of all, we'll tell you about SPRING IDEAS ...

SPRING, like the spring season of the year, is the time of your brand awakening, the warmth after the cold winter, the cozy place where you visualize reaching your dream goals.

Are you a passionate entrepreneur? LOVE what you do? Do you have a project in mind? Do you want to find a better role position? or growth in your professional career path?


In a world full of the unexpected, it is fundamental to be ready for change and have the knowledge to cope with crisis.

Times like these can put us in an unsafe place and challenging positions but that's how we can grow and learn.


With a global mindset we will help you discover YOUR VALUE. What makes you different from others and unique in what you do. 

Discover the path which will allow you to bring your passion and professional life together. 

Let's join together on the journey of creating your PERSONAL BRANDING STRATEGY!


Interested?  FREE DOWNLOAD - take a look of our SPRING TEST OF BRANDING  and find out what can we do for you!   CLICK HERE!



SPRING IDEAS is the perfect place for passionate entrepreneurs.

We do love Local Businesses!